Joe Biden announces new aid of $225 million to Volodymyr Zelensky

The American President, Joe Biden, announced on Friday June 7 new aid of 225 million dollars (206 million euros) to Ukraine, during an interview in Paris with Volodymyr Zelensky. “The United States will always be with you”, declared the President of the United States in particular. The Ukrainian president, for his part, thanked his counterpart for the “great support” American. Follow our live stream.

The Ukrainian head of state spoke at the National Assembly. “Europe is no longer a continent of peace”, declared Volodymyr Zelensky Friday in the hemicycle. What Ukraine is experiencing may concern “other countries tomorrow”warned the Ukrainian president. “I thank you for standing with us to defend life”, he continued in French, to the unanimous applause of the audience. The Ukrainian head of state is visiting Paris on Friday, after participating in the ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy on Thursday.

The French and Ukrainian presidents must sign two agreements. Volodymyr Zelensky will meet with Emmanuel Macron on Friday “at the end of the afternoon” at the Elysée, according to the presidency. They must sign two agreements, with 650 million euros in loans and donations to Ukraine to support kyiv in key sectors, notably in energy and transport.

France is “ready” to “participate directly” in the conflict, says the Kremlin. This accusation comes after statements by Emmanuel Macron, Thursday evening, on reinforced military support for kyiv, including the sale of Mirage 2000 planes. The French president “demonstrates absolute support for the regime Ukrainian,” Dmitri Peskov told Russian agencies.

The Franco-German arms group KNDS formalizes the creation of a subsidiary on Ukrainian soil. The chairman of the board of directors of the military company, Philippe Petitcolin, signed this agreement in Paris in the presence of the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, and Volodymyr Zelensky. The KNDS subsidiary, which manufactures Caesar cannons, will produce military equipment and ammunition in Ukraine.

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