Jérôme (Love is in the meadow) breaks down and finds himself in tears: Lucile, also very moved, swings

Things are accelerating for Lucile and Jerome. The couple formed thanks to the show Love is in the meadow in 2020 is actively preparing for her wedding scheduled for next summer. The 40-year-old farmer had made his request around Christmas 2021 and his sweetheart had wasted no time in getting started on organizing the best day of their lives. And it is clear that everything is progressing well as it should.

The parents of Capucine (born in October 2021) regularly give news of the preparations. For example, they recently confided that they have found their DJ for the party that will follow their union. And speaking of music, Jérôme and Lucile set out to find all the songs from the ceremony. An important point to settle which moved Jérôme to tears. “Jerome he cries“, swung Lucile this Sunday, April 10, 2022, filming herself alongside her fiancé for a story Instagram (see our slideshow). And for him to confirm:I had a small tear. We have just chosen the music for the wedding. It’s gonna be filled with emotions.” “Suddenly, he is all moved“, added the young mother, moved by the sensitivity of her companion. “Yeah, I have a little tear that runs…“, he continued. “Oh more than a little tear! You cried well. I cried too, it’s too beautiful. We’re in too much of a hurry“, is now impatient Lucile.

In addition to music, the lovers revealed a few days ago that they’ve checked many other boxes off their to-do list. “We have the florist, we have the caterer, the cake, a few corrections, but we’re super happy. Then we are in the process of developing the invitations. We have the venue, the wedding rings, the wedding dress. We don’t have the gentleman’s suit yet because he procrastinates so for now, we’re waiting“, announced Lucile on her social networks on April 8. She also took advantage of her speech to say more about the decoration which promises to be magnificent: “We are on a truly natural wood atmosphere. Something that obviously looks like us. We didn’t go for a thousand and one nights atmosphere, Dubai or whatever. We started with something that is really country and chic.“Can’t wait for D-Day!

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