Jérémy Banster (Un si grand soleil) separated from Marie-Gaëlle Cals: did the actor leave the series because of his ex?

This is the end of a beautiful story. Jérémy Banster and Marie-Gaëlle Cals made the decision to take different paths after more than 13 years of love and formalized this breakup in February 2022. The two actors had met in 1999, long before meeting on the series film sets such a big sun. Married in 2007, they welcomed together two children, a boy and a girl who are now 11 and 8 years old. Unfortunately, all these pretty anecdotes are told in the past tense.

Marie has not been my companion for several months

While talking about his love affair with Marie-Gaëlle Cals, Jérémy Banster had preferred to remain very evasive. “Marie hasn’t been my companion for several months, he said in the columns of TV Magazine. Everything is going very well but, as far as our private life is concerned, I won’t tell you more.” He did not explain at all, however, if this separation was at the origin of his departure from the daily series of France 2, such a big sun, in which he played the role of Julien Bastide for 3 years. This departure, dating from the middle of the year 2021, could well correspond in terms of timing to his breakup … but all this remains a vast mystery.

My choice, she knows it since I stopped it

By evoking the fact that he was leaving the program after 3 years of good and loyal service, Julien Bastide had invoked reasons which did not at all put Marie-Gaëlle Cals in question. During these last three seasons, I got up every morning with the joy of meeting the technicians, my partners, the team. For me it is the basishe explained to Star TV. But I have always carried out several activities and I know that one acts only by renunciation. Today, I decided to take up certain projects, and we don’t make a feature film part-time. By mutual agreement with the production, I therefore decided to leave the series.

He added, concerning his former companion, that “contrary to what was written“, their relationship had no connection to this decision.”My choice, she knows it since I stopped it, as I know and respect hers which is to stayhe assured. Everyone has their own path. Here too we are on the same wavelength…

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