Video length: 2 min.
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Faced with increasingly hot temperatures, jellyfish are appearing in waterways, particularly in the Mediterranean. In the Var, an alert has been launched to fight against bites.
As summer approaches, the sun is shining, temperatures are warming up and jellyfish take the opportunity to sting the skin of swimmers. These are often the vagaries of the summer season. In the Var, they prevent some from paddling in the Mediterranean Sea. “It’s a bit worrying, if there is, I’m not putting my daughter in the water, that’s clear”, testifies a worried tourist. Many people have suffered jellyfish stings on this beach in Toulon (Var), and the marks left behind are sometimes very significant.
“It’s very unpleasant, it hurts and it swells, it hurts even inside”, explains a bather who has just been stung. As for this woman, multiple tips are to be applied if you suffer from a jellyfish sting. “Above all, we don’t rinse with fresh water (…), we have to rinse with seawater and then we have antihistamines, an ointment, which we will apply to the injured part”informs a rescuer.