Jean-Pascal Lacoste violently clashes with a professor from the “Star Academy”!

It’s no secret: Jean-Pascal Lacoste is not one to mince words. Invited on the set of “6 to 7” (C8) hosted by Bernard Montiel, the man revealed in the first season of “Star Academy” therefore did not spare Laure Ballon, the scenic expression teacher of the new telecrochet event season!

“She is a scenic expression teacher like I am a singer! She is bad […] She said bad things about the public! I do not like at all. She’s an intern.” he declared without language of wood.

Harsh words that refer to last week’s debriefing. And for good reason, Laure Ballon had not been tender with Julien. “What do we care about the public? If you respected the public, you wouldn’t flirt with them on camera […] You smile to flirt. Everyone has seen this, so open your eyes, grow up. You chose the song, but you sabotaged it. Even off the plate”had declared the professor, before adding: “Listen to me, don’t shake your head no and look at me when I talk to you. Thanks. I am a human being, I am not vague.

Remarks that had strongly reacted to Internet users. Some of them had also not failed to challenge TF1 and the CSA… Fortunately, Laure Ballon had apologized to the student in question. “Know that when I left the debrief, I was very bad because I didn’t give you your chance. I didn’t give up your chance to express yourself. I cut you off and that was really, really clumsy of me. I shouldn’t have, ”she said as she spoke to the academician taken to task.

See also: Star Academy: the final already spoiled!


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