Jean-Luc Reichmann shares a surprising video on Instagram

Every day of the week on TF1, Jean-Luc Reichmann is at the helm of the program “Les 12 Coups de Midi”. The program broadcast since 2010 has allowed him to meet thousands of candidates and therefore to forge links with some of them. Not long ago, during his visit to the set of “C to you”, the host also returned to his friendship with Paul El Kharrat, one of the greatest champions of the game.

Scrambled for a few months, the host and the champion finally reconciled. “With Paul, when you don’t answer him right away – and that’s normal, he has Asperger’s autism, he too has his difference – he doesn’t understand”. Jean-Luc Reichmann, who had to deal with the death of his mother, added: “I was not available in my head. For Paul, it takes time”.

This Sunday July 2, 2023, Jean-Luc Reichmann shared a video of his meeting with one of the participants of the day, a young man named Mathias. At the start of the show, the young candidate declares his love for Jean-Luc Reichmann before ending in tears: “Seeing you makes me really weird Jean-Luc, I love you but really very much! I’ve been living with my grandparents since I was little and so every lunchtime, it’s “12 Coups de midi”, my wallpaper from phone is you… in 5th grade I gave a presentation on you, I know your life by heart, I love you!” dropped the young man. Comforted and hugged by the host, Mathias burst into tears.

“And why we don’t show the BEAUTIFUL youth of today ⁉️ That’s what my little sister Marie-Laure told me this morning on the phone. Look. So moving Mathias who waited until he was 18 to participate in the “12 noon shots” wrote Jean-Luc Reichmann in the caption of the publication. A small echo of the current situation in the country since many young people are currently being singled out because of the riots linked to the death of Nahel, a 17-year-old teenager killed by the police on June 27 in Nanterre.


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