Jean Lassalle accused of rape


Video length: 1 min.


The former MP for Béarn, Jean Lassalle, is the subject of a preliminary investigation for acts of rape and sexual assault. An investigation opened by the parquet floor of Bordeaux (Gironde) after the filing of a complaint by a woman. She claims to have been raped in 2010.

March 2010, Jean Lassalle is campaigning for the regional elections in Aquitaine. Then deputy Modem, he is contacted by the alleged victim, a woman aged 45 today. She asks the politician to change her daughter’s school and gets involved in the campaign. The rape allegedly took place in a hotel room. The woman claims to have tried to repel his advances and told him that she was pregnant at the time. Contacted by France Bleu Béarn, Jean Lassalle explained that he had learned of the opening of an investigation in the press.

The former presidential candidate should be heard quickly

Jean Lassalle’s behavior towards women has been quietly denounced in the political and media spheres for several years. Candidate for the presidential election in 2017 and 2022, he had not been the subject of any complaint so far. The parquet of Bordeaux (Gironde) is in charge of the investigation. The latter specifies that, for the moment, the facts are not confirmed. Jean Lassalle, who is currently participating in a reality TV show on M6, should be heard quickly.

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