Jamel Debbouze dad without taboo on his disability: “You must not forget that I cannot move my arm…”

Changing diapers is very complicated for me. Don’t forget that I can’t move my arm. So I tried to wedge the little one against the wall so that he wouldn’t move too much. But it had been three months, I shouldn’t compress her [tête]. Once he wasn’t moving, I lifted my feet to remove the [couche]. But usually it’s full of this little substance of this color [en montrant la sauce de son nugget], sometimes darker. And so I have to remove the diaper, with my teeth. I do not have the choice“, confides the artist with his sense of storytelling unstoppable. Using the Mr. Potato Head toy to demonstrate, the star ends up with sauce on his nose: “I didn’t see that I had [merde] on the nose. I was proud and I tell my girl. ‘Honey, I changed the diaper of the [petit]it is all good’

Humor is a tool that Jamel Debbouze handles perfectly to address his disability while avoiding any pathos or anger. He had already shown it on the set of It’s up to you against Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine who blundered live by asking him to lift the heavy Ballon d’Or trophy when he can only use one arm. This arm, caught by a train while young Jamel was on a platform at Trappes station. From now on, the father of Lila and Léon assumes it as he explained in the pages of Madame Figaro : “We must not deny things, we must put words on them.

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