Jair Bolsonaro definitely says ‘no’ to anticovid vaccine

Because he already had the coronavirus in July 2020, the Brazilian president assures that he has all the necessary antibodies, and that it is very good like that: “I decided not to get vaccinated anymore“, he declared Tuesday, October 12 on the radio Jovem Pan.”I saw new studies (he does not specify which ones), my immunity is at its highest, so why would i need the vaccine? It would be like playing the lottery … it just doesn’t make sense!

In September, Jair Bolsonaro had already joked about the side effects of the Pfizer vaccine, from which he had refused 70 million doses for his country last year. There was, he said, the risk that people would transform “in crocodile“Whether a beard grows on a woman or a man takes on effeminate accents. His wife was however vaccinated at the end of September, but for that, she went to the United States.

Very criticized for his management of the crisis, Bolsonaro is also viscerally opposed to the health pass, required in several large cities to access certain public places. “For me, he says, freedom is above everything“.

His last statement has earned him many criticisms, as much to say that it leaves him unmoved, while Brazil has just exceeded 600,000 dead (it is the most affected country in the world after the United States) and that 45 Only% of the population is fully vaccinated.

A country also shaken by a scandal of patients transformed into guinea pigs: several thousand people, often elderly, have been administered an ineffective or even dangerous anti-Covid treatment without themselves or their families being informed. It happened in a private hospital group, Pervent Senior, whose management has the support of Jair Bolsonaro.

For this “experimental” study, the doctors gave away a cocktail based on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, a molecule whose virtue has never been proven by scientists but which has always been presented by the president of extreme right as a miracle cure. He even promoted it on September 20 at the United Nations platform.

As a result, when nine patients who followed this treatment died, the group covered up their deaths by disguising the statistics and announcing only two deaths. Last week, the weekly Istoé denounced on its front page the “laboratory of horrors”, evoking “one of the greatest barbarities in the history of Brazilian medicine”.

The doctors and former doctors of the company who gave the alert, entrusted a file of 10,000 pages to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry of the Senate. It will deliver its conclusions next Tuesday on the responsibilities of the Bolsonaro government during the pandemic and its stubbornness in promoting preventive treatments deemed unsuitable by most expert committees and the WHO.

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