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450 graves were discovered in Izium (Ukraine). According to the authoritiess, 99% of the bodies bear traces of violent death. Could this city be added to the list of localities affected by war crimes?
The site discovered Friday, September 16 near the city of Izioum, Ukraine, is calm. All day, investigators worked to exhume the bodies. On one side are the graves of civilians, and on the other those of soldiers, where 17 bodies were buried. Civilians died under the bombardments in this city and according to the inhabitants, they would have buried them in the gardens.
An order was given by the Russian occupiers to dig them up and take them away. “People came with trucks and they took them away. They say they were going to the cemetery but there were guards there, we weren’t going in”, says a resident. These are probably the bodies that were found yesterday. A Ukrainian also confirms that Russian soldiers have wanted lists. The Ukrainian human rights spokesperson spoke about “torture chambers in the city”. The remaining hundred bodies will be exhumed to determine if there have been war crimes.