‘It’s time’ to end Russia’s ‘destructive’ war, Volodymyr Zelensky tells G20 leaders

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09:07 : 9 a.m., let’s make a new update on the news:

Volodymyr Zelensky calls on G20 leaders, meeting from today in Indonesia, to overcome their divisions to end the war “destructive” led by Russia in Ukraine. Follow our live.

World population exceeds 8 billion people, according to the United Nations. According to the UN, the Earth should have 9.7 billion inhabitants in 2050, then 10.4 billion around 2080. The world population should then begin to stagnate until 2100, before decreasing.

#UNEMPLOYMENT The unemployment rate remained almost stable in the third quarter, at 7.3% of the population against 7.4% in the second quarter, according to INSEE.

The Minister for Energy Transition, Agnes Pannier-Runacher, will not be able to deal with subjects related to three companies in order to prevent any conflict of interest, according to a decree published in the Official Journal. One of the companies affected is the oil company Perenco, which the minister’s father ran

07:50 : Last May, in kyiv, Russian soldiers were the first to be condemned for war crimes, and the judicial system of the country does not intend to stop there. He can count on the help of the International Criminal Court and several European countries, which have opened their own investigations. Coordination between all these initiatives should, according to specialists, make it possible to judge “faster and better” individuals suspected of such crimes – not forgetting their superiors.

07:47 : After the liberation of Kherson, President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday that new “atrocities” had been added to the long list of war crimes denounced since the beginning of the Russian invasion. But thanks to cooperation and unprecedented means, these cases could be dealt with from the end of 2022. I will explain to you why this conflict marks a turning point in the way international justice deals with these complex cases.


07:50 : In a video speech, Volodymyr Zelensky denounced today before the G20, meeting in Bali (Indonesia) “the mad threats of recourse to nuclear weapons” of Russia, asserting that there could be no “no excuse for nuclear blackmail”. “I am convinced that now is the time, that Russia’s destructive war must and can be stopped”added the Ukrainian president in his speech, also proposing a total exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine.

06:29 : Xi Jinping has on his side “provided support for European mediation efforts”notably from France, and “reiterated very firmly its opposition to the use of atomic weapons” by the Russians in Ukraine, according to the Elysée. “He also reaffirmed his support for de-escalation, a ceasefire and the will to put an end to this conflict”added the presidency.

06:27 : Emmanuel Macron asked his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, to intervene with Vladimir Putin to convince him to stop “climbing” in Ukraine and to return to the “negotiation table”announced the Elysée.

06:06 : 6 hours, here is a first point on the news:

Volodymyr Zelensky calls on G20 leaders, meeting from today in Indonesia, to overcome their divisions to end the war “destructive” led by Russia in Ukraine.

Trump soon to be a candidate for the presidential election of 2024? The former Republican president promised a “very big announcement” tonight at 9 p.m. from his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

There is no longer any department in orange vigilance. The alert from Météo France for risks of rain, floods and thunderstorms has been lifted in Hérault and Gard.

MEPs gave the green light last night to an increase in the credits of the Ministry of the Interior of around 15 billion euros over five yearsduring the examination of the planning and orientation bill of the Ministry of the Interior (Lopmi).

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