“It’s racism”, “It’s shameful”, Zazie and Vianney warn Bigflo and Oli in “The Voice”

By registering for season 13 of The Voice

, Cyril, 43, wanted above all to pay tribute to his three children. The father of the family came to interpret My daughter by Serge Reggiani, but did not manage to convince the coaches. This Saturday, February 24, Zazie, Vianney, Mika, Bigflo and Oli did not deign to look back on this performance, and thus let the forty-year-old go. But listening to Cyril’s accent, Bigflo and Oli had a big regret. And for good reason: the man is from Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), the city where the two rappers are native.

When Cyril left the set, Bigflo and Oli joked by explaining that Toulouse candidates had to indicate this on the microphone before starting their performance, in order to encourage them to buzz them. A chauvinism which surprised Vianney, Mika and Zazie, who pointed out positive discrimination… which the two Occitan rappers readily accepted! “All the people from Toulouse who pass by, just before singing, should say: Toulouse. And then they sing. That way, we know” said Bigflo, before being quickly taken over by Zazie: “But it’s racism”. A decisive choice for the two brothers, which Vianney also contested: “But it’s shameful, my brother!”

Bigflo and Oli, a choice by default?

For the moment in any case, the two Toulouse rappers, although very popular both on social networks and in the charts, struggle to convince and attract talent. Mika already has seven talents: Lance Priester, Manuela, Oléma, Lillian, Okali, Mia and Gabriel Lobao. Zazie follows, with six talents: Stolt, Alphonse, Lize, Nino, Shanys and Hamid; tied with Vianney, who counts in his ranks Aprile, Maëva, Marco Léna, Baptiste Sartoria, Victoire Solveig and Odem, who made his comeback on the show, seven years after a first failure. Finally, as the last ones, Bigflo and Oli struggle to convince when all the coaches turn around, and slowly complete their team, by turning around alone, or by only being in front of a coach. However, stuck with three for two weeks, they managed to add three other talents to their team : Jacinta, Sahteene, Mickaël Jiminy, Rhéa, Iris and Adnaé.

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