“It’s not easy”: Laurent (Love is in the meadow) comes out of the silence, his silhouette and a puzzling detail challenge

In 2019, Lawrence participated in Love is in the meadow in the hope of finding his long-awaited half. And the experience turned out to be positive for the farmer thanks to Maud. Unfortunately, after a few years of romance, they recently announced their separation to everyone’s surprise. Another hard blow for Laurent who was already suffering from the precariousness of his job. Since 2020 in particular, because of the drought, he has encountered very serious financial difficulties. Seeing his farm in Saint-Hilaire-en-Morvan (Nièvre) wasting away, he then had no choice but to ask for help by launching a kitty Leetchi. But, as fate seemed to be on him, he found himself even more in debt…

By carrying out my balance sheet, the collection has greatly increased my taxes to pay“, he was sorry on his networks. As a result, he was asked to pay the dizzying sum of 30,000 euros before the end of the year. On the edge of the abyss, Laurent had therefore once again appealed to the generosity of his community, but this time he decided to trust the Miimosa platform, which offers citizens and businesses the opportunity to finance sustainable agriculture and food projects.

Laurent comes out of the silence but worried

Since then, Laurent had regained his usual discretion. But, this Wednesday, October 26, the cow and sheep breeder took to his Instagram account and posted a video of him through which he shares reassuring news. “Hello everyone, I apologize for not having given news before, it is not easy… I wanted to thank you all, the Miimosa kitty, those who managed, I thank all the contributors, I will be able to refund the taxes“, he announced. And to promise: “And I’ll give everyone my news, I’ll get organized and I’m thinking very much of you, thank you again, I’ll see you soon and take care of yourself“.

Although reassuring, his appearance still challenged. And for good reason, Laurent reveals himself thinner and tired. Moreover, he worried because of the presence of crutches in the background. Himself sitting on a chair, it is therefore to wonder if he would not have been injured … For the moment, however, no details have been provided on the subject.

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