“It’s a victory for public health”, enthuses a health economist

The French laboratory obtained, Friday, September 16, the green light from the European health authorities for its vaccine against bronchiolitis intended for all infants under one year of age.

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“It’s a victory for public health”reacted on Friday September 16 on franceinfo Frédéric Bizard, professor of economics at ESCP Business School and founding president of the Institut Santé, while the French laboratory Sanofi obtained the green light from the European Medicines Agency for a medicine to prevent bronchiolitis in newborns.

Developed in partnership with the Swedish AstraZeneca, this drug therefore places Sanofi at the top of the laboratories developing vaccines against bronchiolitis. “This is an absolutely major discovery that will truly change the game in patient care”explained Frederic Bizard.

According to him, “This is great news for Sanofi” because “when you are first to market, you have a competitive advantage, especially in terms of price”. He adds that “this will guarantee financial income for Sanofi in the coming years”. The potential of this market is estimated at around ten billion euros, according to the health economist.

“It is also excellent news for the morale of the troops”he continues, referring to the many failures of Sanofi in recent years, in the search for a vaccine against Covid-19 or in research against cancer. “You have to take the good news when it is there”.

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