“It’s a political diversion”, according to Marine Le Pen

“The right to abortion is not questioned by anyone”estimated Wednesday, June 29 on franceinfo the president of the National Rally group in the National Assembly Marine Le Pen who reacts to the proposal of the LREM group, but also of the Nupes, to include the right to abortion in the French Constitution. “Are we the 51st state in the United States?”she wonders, while a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States put an end to the constitutional right to abortion on Friday June 24.

“Are we going to enshrine in our constitution that we don’t have the right to stone women because in Afghanistan they have the right to do that?”, she quips. Marine Le Pen accuses Emmanuel Macron’s party, Renaissance (ex-LREM), of “political diversion”.

“The reality is that they don’t want the focus to be on the main concerns of the French people, which are purchasing power, security and out-of-control immigration.”

Marine Le Pen

at franceinfo

Moreover, she believes that women’s rights are now rather “challenged by Islamism and the veil”or “the weakness of our hospitals” and the lack of gynecologists.

The president of the RN group in the National Assembly believes that her party has not “never questioned abortion“. At least three of its new deputies have nevertheless done so, Christophe Bentz considering that it is a “mass genocide”Caroline Parmentier that it is a “genocide of French children” and Hervé de Lépiau comparing it to the Armenian and Rwandan genocides.

“No one wants to touch the lawrepeats Marine le Pen. But that there are people who are not happy that there are still 200,000 abortions per year in France cannot be criticized. Simone Veil herself was not happy about it.“The one who carried the law of January 17, 1975, known as the Veil law, which legalizes abortion, considered that each abortion was a tragedy and should remain an exception.

If a constitutional revision opens all the same, Marine Le Pen warns that it will have “lots of stuff to put in” among “the abolition of jus soli”, “the modification of the conditions of access to French nationality”, “the superiority of the Constitution over international texts”or “the citizens’ initiative referendum”. “We are going to have fascinating debates on fundamental subjects for the French.”

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