MEP Nicolas Bay was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday June 22, 2024.
Reading time: 17 min

“It will take a government of national recovery”, estimates Nicolas Bay, ex-member of the Reconquest party. The ECR MEP, a political group which brings together part of the far right in the European Parliament, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday June 22, 2024. He answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jean-Rémi Baudot.
Excluded by Eric Zemmour’s party, Nicolas Bay calls for “support the candidates of the national union, behind the National Rally and the Republicans who followed Éric Ciotti”.
Asked about his alliance with the RN, Nicolas Bay specifies: “I have not changed sides, I am faithful to the spirit of Reconquest. The spirit of Reconquest, when it was created a little over two years ago, was the union of the rights It was Éric Zemmour who excluded us because he wanted to preserve the small interests of a party, moreover he has always supported the union of the rights, it is he who is not coherent.. “I regret that he destroyed the movement we believed in”adds the MEP.
However, Nicolas Bay assures that he has not joined the RN and “assume” economic and societal differences with Jordan Bardella’s party. “The moment” will be structured after the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, but “we’re not there yet”he continues, convinced that “priority” Today, “it is to ensure that, on July 7, there are 289 patriotic and right-wing deputies allowing us to have a majority in the National Assembly”.
Watch the show in full: