“It was super hard”: Cécile (Les 12 Coups de midi) remembers a difficult period in her life

For several days, the faithful of 12 noon shots carefully follow the course of Cecile, the new Midday Master. The latter is likely to go far in the game, as she shows talent but also luck in each event. This Wednesday, August 10, 2022, she thus easily beat her new opponents. Among them was Juliea young woman who had the opportunity to make a digression on a very serious subject.

In college, I didn’t feel particularly good, I had a little harassment, that’s why I started sports, I feel better. Sport is something that is part of my daily life“, she explained. Obviously, Cécile felt concerned by these confidences, she who is a teacher and who also suffered bullying as a teenager.It was super hard“, she first remembered before explaining that it was not so easy to come to the aid of students in difficulty. “Often, they completely lose confidence and then we must not leave aside the harassers, because often there is a little thing that makes them behave like that. It’s a real challenge that has grown with social networks, it’s something to watch out for. Parent friends, watch closely !“, she recommended.

Giving the floor on such a subject was very important for Jean-Luc Reichmann who has always fought against the scourge of harassment. And for good reason, he himself paid the price because of his angioma. “Me, if I made it my fight since I was little, it’s because with my stain on my nose but also my little sister who is disabled. There is a question of modesty and we don’t want to disturb, to put a layer on it. It’s hard to talk about“, he recalled, calling for a response to the discomfort of others. “If you see a boyfriend or friend who is not well, first of all, you have to talk about it“. And for Cécile to conclude: “Our difference is what makes us more, that’s what’s great. Once we understand that, I think we can get past it.“.

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