“It was from a human”: Amber Heard and Johnny Depp clash, who really defecated in the marital bed?

The days follow each other and are more and more embarrassing for Amber Heard and Johnny Depp! The actress, who was heard at the bar on Monday in the trial against her ex-husband, made some rather surprising new revelations about the couple’s ties.

This Monday, Amber Heard begged the actor to leave her alone and drop the charges against her. “I have to relive every day, over and over again, the most intimate, embarrassing, deeply humiliating and personal things that I have experienced“, complained the one who could be ousted from the next Aquaman because of a petition. The 36-year-old American actress went on to plead her innocence before the jury. “It’s torture, it’s enormous emotional pain“, she asserted. I want to move on with my life, but by doing this stuff he won’t let me.

The actress also responded to the case of the famous “poo in bed“. Johnny Depp had indeed accused his ex-wife of accumulating the behavior borderline. In response, the actress blamed… the dog! Amber explained that their dog had intestinal problems after ingesting the performer’s weed of Edward Scissorhands. Johnny refuted these accusations by mentioning the size of his animal. “It was too big to come from my little dog, it came from a human. It was so weird.

As a reminder, Johnny Depp is claiming during this trial 50 million dollars from his ex-wife for defamation. He accuses the latter of having made accusations of domestic violence in 2018 in the washington post that destroyed his career.

The lawsuit between two celebrities is extraordinary. It is broadcast live on television and every day, fans of the two actors gather in court in this small town near the American capital. The battle between the two camps is also taking place on social networks where hashtags for or against the two actors flourish. Deliberations are due to continue until May 27, after which the seven jurors will retire to deliberate.

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