“It took me away from my sister Helena Noguerra, because my stepfather is her father”, Lio without filter on the incest of which she was a victim

Women’s voices are freed. A week after the dark revelations of Héloïse Martin,
chose to break the silence in turn. Recently interviewed by our colleagues from Max, the 61-year-old artist lifted the veil on a tragedy that occurred in his childhood.

“It took me many years to put the word ‘rape’ to what happened to me, I‘ve been raped other times afterwards, because I hadn’t put the word in on the first one”, she confided. As a child, the interpreter of Banana Split was the victim of touching by a family friend in the back of a car. It was only thanks to feminist readings that the singer was able to put the word “rape” on these abuses.

Also see: Lio: those who threw away their pork “will pay dearly for it”

“A childhood with an incestuous stepfather”

“I discovered two years ago that I was raped at the age of 10. Before, I just said ‘he’s a big idiot, a friend of my parents, who took advantage of me for 40 minutes'”. she explained.

And to continue: “Thanks to this new generation of feminists, I have been a phoenix, but I’m not done yet. It takes a lifetime. And as long as we don’t love ourselves, we don’t love others. As long as we don’t trust each other… Why am I so suspicious, that I have so many firewalls, that I prepare like a krav maga fight every time I go outside? Understand… My life is a daily struggle. There are mornings when I have to get up and make a coffee, it’s the end of the world. Becausea childhood with an incestuous stepfather – I am not afraid to say it today – also distanced me from my sister (Helena Noguerra, Editor’s note), because my stepfather is his father. It all never ends. It is only on this very small part that I agree with Christine Angot: ‘we manage’. And I am the sister of all the people who get by with that weight and next to nothing in the kitty.” Upsetting confidences.


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