“To be credible, expel from your ranks the ‘Gudards’, the identitarians, the nazillons, the racists, the anti-Semites,” launched Eric Dupond-Moretti to the deputies of the National Rally.
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“It is time for Eric Dupond-Moretti to be punished for his excesses”, reacted Tuesday, November 29 on franceinfo Laure Lavalette, spokesperson for the RN group in the National Assembly, deputy for Var. In the hemicycle, a new exchange of arms took place between the Minister of Justice and the National Rally group. “To be credible, expel from your ranks the ‘Gudards’, the identitarians, the nazillons, the racists, the anti-Semites”launched Eric Dupond-Moretti, questioned by MP Michèle Martinez on “the barbarism that is unleashed in our country”.
“You prefer to contrast rural and quiet France, Catholic and white, with the France of the cities, the France of Mohamed, Mouloud and Rachid. I am thinking of the French who live in the cities and who do not deserve to read on the walls : ‘Death to the Arabs’ (…) Our Jewish brothers are afraid. Our Muslim brothers are afraid too. Your words are incendiary and they bring ultra-right activists into the streets.”continued the Minister of Justice, causing the departure of the RN deputies from the hemicycle.
“Unworthy of a minister of the Republic”
Estimating the answer “insultant”the National Rally will file a complaint against Eric Dupond-Moretti before the Court of Justice of the Republic, announced Marine Le Pen.
“He has once again lost control. He is probably stressed by his legal agenda, the verdict of the Court of Justice of the Republic, but that does not explain everything.”
Laure Lavalette, spokesperson for the RNat franceinfo
“He cannot talk like that about the National Rally. The deputies are elected, Marine Le Penthat’s more than 13 million voters in the second round of the presidential election, criticizes Laure Lavalette. There is legitimacy and speaking in such a way is totally unworthy of a minister of the Republic.”