It is now forbidden to smoke around the schools of Ballan-Miré

Tobacco-free spaces have been opened around the schools of Ballan-Miré (Indre-et-Loire), after the end of classes this Friday. “We made this decision in partnership with the League against cancer, which is ultimately a decision of common sense”, explains Thierry Chailloux, the mayor of the town.

The councilor wanted to go there gradually. At first, he planned to ban tobacco consumption around a school. “With my team, we naturally worked with the parents of the pupils and when we presented our project to them, it was said but ‘why do only one school and not the three schools?’

A welcome measure

Rémi thinks this should go without saying. “It seems quite logical to me. Everyone does what they want but it is not a very good example for children to show. Personally, if my parents hadn’t smoked in front of me, I probably would never have started. to smoke at 18-19 years old“. Yolande wants to protect herself and her son from passive smoking. “Parents who smoke while waiting for children bother me. We all wait in the same place. I don’t smoke, it’s not good for the health of the children. So it bothers me,” she insists.

Loïc Vaillant, president of the League against cancer in Indre-et-Loire thinks that this ban on smoking near schools will be respected. “There are already three tobacco-free spaces in Indre-et-Loire, Ligueil, Descartes and Larçay. We have had very positive feedback: we know that parents, including those who smoke, are in favor of this measure.”

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