“it is important to understand why the French say no”, says political scientist Bruno Palier

On the eve of the sixth day of action against the pension reform Bruno Palier, doctor of political science, CNRS research director at Sciences Po, develops the reasons why the French remain in the vast majority, according to the latest polls, opposed pension reform.

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“For two months, the French have understood the reform well. They do not agree. This is what “they demonstrate, it is a solid opinion,” according to Bruno Palier, author in particular of the book Reform pensions (Sciences po Press). Opposition to the text is particularly strong among non-retired people, notes the CNRS research director: “Among working people, there is a massive refusal to have to work longer”,he continues.

>>> Pension reform: follow the latest developments in our live

The inter-union, shunned by the government seems to be a good flag bearer of public opinion.

“The inter-union in its unit, in the clear message that it transmits, seems to be the spokesperson for public opinion, whereas we do not find on the side of the government or the majority relative to the National Assembly people who are capable of conveying the opinion of the French people.”

Bruno Palier, research director at the CNRS

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“It’s less a pension reform than a reform that asks people to work longer since the system is not changed, the level of pensions is not modulated by changes in parameters, we only ask the French to work longer and the French say no and it is important to understand why ” according to Bruno Palier, eco guest of franceinfo Monday, March 6. “It is the consequence of the competitiveness strategy of companies which have sought to reduce production costs at all costs, including on the backs of employees, in an approach to competitiveness which has been solely obsessed with reducing costs. .”

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