“Is this the right time to arouse passions?”

Include the right to abortion in the French Constitution… Is it “useful”?, asks François Bayrou. The position of the president of the MoDem and ally of Emmanuel Macron, denotes in a presidential majority which rather shows support for this constitutional bill tabled on Monday by the Nupes intergroup, the left alliance.

The president of the Renaissance group (formerly La République en Marche) Aurore Berger, supported by Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, even announced her wish to vote on this text as a priority, announcing the filing of a proposal for constitutional revision to include “respect for abortion” in our basic law. A reversal in reaction to the shock of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to revoke the federal right to abortion, Friday. While the group refused this proposal of UDI-Agir and La France Insoumise deputies since 2018.

But for his part, the centrist leader has a dissonant voice: “In the state the country is in, with all the questions we have before us, is it good, useful, to do this even though no political current in France is challenging the law? Veil and what became of her?”

“Is this the right time to arouse passions, when the political situation is not simple and the French are preoccupied with other things?”

“I think these are common sense remarks”, adheres Géraldine Bannier, MoDem deputy for Mayenne. First, because “It’s a complicated processshe points out, because it is a constitutional law so it has to go through the Assembly, the Senate, then it takes either a referendum, or 3/5th of the votes cast in the Assembly and the Senate. It is all the more complex in the current political situation, with a relative majority”.

Like the president of her party, the elected official wonders: “Is it very useful in a country where we do not question this law, whose author has also been pantheonized? For me the 1975 law is well anchored, solidinsists Géraldine Bannier. You have to know how to keep reason, even if you are ardent defenders of the right to abortion. One can legitimately wonder about the concrete usefulness, and especially the opportunity in terms of time. Is it the right time to arouse passions, when the political situation is not simple and the French are preoccupied with other things, such as purchasing power and the war in Ukraine? The French should not have the impression of a counter-fire, the real subject at the moment is purchasing power with inflation.

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