Is there real estate escalation in your neighborhood?

The duty cleaned and analyzed 1,623 pages in PDF format containing information compiled by Centris on all listings in Quebec, sold during the first quarter of 2022, i.e. between January 1 and March 31, broken down by neighborhood and municipality. The details contained in this document include, among other things, the average sale times and prices and the sale price compared to listing (in percentage).

The original document was first completely scanned and then exported as an Excel file using Adobe Acrobat Reader software. This data was then cleaned using Python and the pandas library, the code of which can be found on our Github platform. The regions were assigned using the Quebec Municipalities Directory of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Only the data for single-family properties and condominiums have been kept in this analysis so as not to distort the averages based on very high amounts from, for example, sales of income properties, or derisory amounts from sales of land. Locations where fewer than three residential properties have been sold have been excluded for reasons of confidentiality.

Centris specifies in its document that the statistics it contains “relate exclusively to sales transactions concluded through the Centris® system” and that those whose price sold is less than 50% or greater than 150% of the last price registered are excluded from the calculation. “The purpose of these criteria is to eliminate input errors and bulk sales and thus obtain better statistical data”. The sales period is calculated from the number of days elapsed between the date of sale and the date of signature of the brokerage contract for the same listing.

The document also stipulates that the average price is presented for information purposes only. “It is not necessarily representative of the overall market situation. It should be interpreted with great caution, especially if the number of transactions is low. »

For any questions or comments, write to us.

Data analysis by Laurianne Croteau. Art direction by Cédric Gagnon. Development by Antoine Noreau.

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