Around Bérengère Bonte, those informed debate the news of Tuesday June 18, 2024.
Reading time: 56 min

The themes :
Jordan Bardella now demands an absolute majority to enter Matignon and continues to evolve the RN program. “Pragmatism” for some, “scariness” for others, Gabriel Attal speaks frankly of a “refusal of obstacle”. Is the National Rally really ready to govern?
François Ruffin really takes off compared to Jean-Luc Mélenchon and publicly supports Alexis Corbière during the New Popular Front meeting in Montreuil.
Olivier Faure wants a vote to choose the Prime Minister in the event of a victory for the left in the legislative elections. “There will be a vote because I don’t know any other way to arbitrate”explained the first secretary of the PS, contradicting the Insoumis who want the largest parliamentary group to propose a name for Matignon.
Program against program: immigration on the legislative menu.
The informed:
Audrey Goutardjjournalist specializing in social facts at France Télévisions
Laurent Mouloud, deputy editor-in-chief at L’Humanité
Bruno CautresCNRS researcher at CEVIPOF, the Research Center for Political Life, teacher at Sciences-Po
Watch the show in full: