is it true that “no weapon of war has been used by the police”, as Gérald Darmanin asserts?

The gendarmes used tear gas canisters of the GM2L type and defense bullet launchers. Weapons “relevant to war materials”, according to the Internal Security Code.

Two demonstrators were between life and death on Monday March 27, two days after clashes with the police during a rally against the “mega-basins” in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres). While many voices denounce police violence, the Minister of the Interior assures that“Tono weapon of war has been used by law enforcement, only intermediate weapons”. Gérald Darmanin adds that “some thugs” have, however, employed “of the weapons of war”. “In particular, I am thinking of Molotov cocktails”, he said during a press conference on Monday evening. In the midst of a controversy over the maintenance of order, did the minister say true or fake?

According to the gendarmerie, opponents of the construction of “mega-basins”, these open-air water reservoirs, have made use of “firework mortars, Roman candles and large Molotov cocktails”, among other projectiles. The police responded with 4,000 tear gas and de-encirclement grenades, according to a figure communicated by the Minister of the Interior on Saturday evening, and using defense bullet launchers (LBD).

For their part, the organizers questioned the “absolutely criminal violence” law enforcement. A journalist from Politicspresent on the spot, shared on Twitter a photo of tear gas canister residue found on the ground.

The national secretary of EELV, Marine Tondelier, present in the procession, denounced to AFP the firing of grenades towards injured people. The League of Human Rights has for its part evoked shootings at the LBD 40 since “quads in motion” military policemen. One of these shootings was filmed by an independent media.

Grenades and LBDs classified in category A2

If they qualify as“medium strength weapons” in the National Law Enforcement Scheme, the two types of grenades used at Sainte-Soline are indeed considered as “firearms” “constituting materials of war” In the Homeland Security Code (CSI). Tear gas canisters, including the modular 2 tear gas grenade (GM2L), used since the banning of the controversial GLI-F4, as well as the disencirclement hand grenades (GMD), which project pieces of rubber, are classified in category A2 of weapons, that of “war materials”.

THE 56 mm grenade launchers, used to propel tear gas canisters, have been classified in this same category since a decision of the Council of State in July 2022, followed by an order published in the Official Journal. These are the Cougar and Chouka launchers, marketed by the company Alsetex, as journalist David Dufresne, specializing in police violence, had reported on Twitter.

40×46mm defense bullet launchers (LBD) and their ammunition are also classified as Category A2 by the Homeland Security Code. Since the beginning of the mobilization of “yellow vests”, many voices, including that of the Defender of Rights, have called for the banning of the LBD, accused of being the cause of the serious injuries of dozens of demonstrators. As noted by the chained duck in April 2019, LBDs are also sold under the “war material” category when exported.

A few hours after having denied it at a press conference, Gérald Darmanin admitted in the program “C à vous” on France 5, that there was indeed “had two LBD launchers” Since “these quads used to send tear gas canisters to push people back”. “It is totally prohibited. These gendarmes will be suspended”assured the Minister of the Interior. The General Inspectorate of the National Gendarmerie (IGGN) has been seized and will have to determine if these shootings took place under a state of self-defense or if they are inappropriate behavior.

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