Irigoien Anaiak and Mikel Erramuzpe

The KORRIKA has become over the years one of the major events of the Basque Country: every two years, since 1980, thousands of people, Basque speakers or not, run one or more kilometers to support the Basque language. The first year, 40,000 people ran, it is estimated that in 2022, for the 22nd edition (March 31 to April 10), there will be more than 600,000!
By buying a bib to run, they financially support the AEK association, which organizes Basque lessons for adults everywhere.

Korrika 7: the relay race is adorned with humor

In 1991, for the 7th KORRIKA, it was artists from Navarrese, Aldudes and Ainhice Mongelos who were chosen to take up the challenge, and write the song, broadcast on a loop before and especially during the race.
Irigoien Anaiak, the Irigoien brothers, Guillaume and Mattin, lyricists with a light and incisive pen at the same time, worked together with Mikel Erramouspé, artist and musician: the result is this playful title, which highlights the runners and pokes fun at people who for multiple reasons stay on the low side.

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