Invasion by Russia: “It’s the house, we have to protect it”, says a Ukrainian from Montreal

Members of the Ukrainian community in Quebec are worried about their families, the majority of whom are still in Ukraine.

• Read also: [EN DIRECT] Day 3 of the war in Ukraine: here are all the developments

• Read also: Russia announces “widening offensive” on Ukraine

• Read also: After long uncertainty, European countries agree to deliver arms to Ukraine

Since yesterday, dozens of Montreal demonstrators have been gathering in front of the Russian consulate to protest the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

In Montreal for six years, Ninel Strelkovska is sorry for the state of her native country: “For three days, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, drink or work.”

“All of my loved ones are in immense danger,” she said.

She tries to write emails to members of parliament for a ray of hope, but without result.

Dominika Konevyck, a Montreal teenager of Ukrainian origin, is worried about her family.

“I worry about my cousins, my aunts… Just last summer, I was in Ukraine. Ukraine was very beautiful, very lively. Now someone comes and destroys all the work,” she explains.

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