Internet users died of laughter when they saw him with a gun in hand

The cliché is surprising. Seeing the ever-smiling friend of the world’s greats with the stern, determined countenance befitting anyone pointing someone with a scythe seems almost incongruous. But, rest assured, the Ringmaster of France 2, has no desire to slay his neighbor with a bullet in the head. His character, on the other hand, seems ready to do anything to eliminate anyone who gets in his way. The man of television, who is not at his first attempt in the matter, since the presenter of Secrets of history had already played in Murder in Lorraine in 2018 and The Art of Crime in 2021, this time indeed camps an angry former fighter pilot in “For the Honor of a Son”which will be broadcast on August 25 on France 3. Paul Leclerc’s big boy, also a soldier, but in the commandos, was killed in Africa, supposedly the victim of enemy fire, his father does not believe this conclusion at all and returns to service to find out the truth about the tragic end of her child.

In order to promote this fiction, the channel decided to publish on Twitter this photo of an unexpected Stéphane Bern, which has largely inspired Internet users, who have engaged in a series of highly successful parodic diversions. “Repeat what you said about Louis XIV!”, “When you don’t want to visit the Château de Chambord with your family”, “Hello Robespierre, I’m Stéphane Bern and I came from the future to kill you!” or “Jason Bourde” (in reference to the series of films inspired by the character of Jason Bourne, editor’s note), the Twittos really had a blast. The one who very recently had the pain of losing his brother probably has his mind elsewhere at the moment, but, let’s bet that with his sense of humor and self-mockery, the blue blood of this claimed monarchist does not did not make the slightest turn when he discovered these good-natured diversions.

See also: Stéphane Bern devastated: a few months after his father, he loses a new pillar of his family and not the least…


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