Internet users are mistaken, think of finding Pierre Palmade there and let go!

The fans of Palmashow are thrilled! And for good reason Tuesday, February 21, 2023, TF1 confirmed the forthcoming broadcast of a new program from “Palmashow” with Grégoire Ludig and David Marsais. “Back because we’re coming back on March 17 […]. 1h30 of new sketches. We can’t wait to show you this.” we learn on Twitter. In the thread of comments, many internet users reacted… And obviously, there was a little misunderstanding.

“I thought I saw PALMADSHOW at first glance, on the dusty and ero program. 8:50 p.m. TV cameos with Arthur”, dropped a user. “You may have to change your name, because at the moment, we see the palmadeshow every night on the news … We could confuse”, added another. Or : “Have you considered renaming the show? […]. Just to avoid sending back to Palmade (if that was the case).

to see also: After a joke on Pierre Palmade, Matthieu Madénian lets go live on the radio!

A terrible tragedy that shook the media

In any case, countless viewers of TF1 will be there to discover the upcoming program of the duo of comedians. In a less joyful context, for his part, Pierre Palmade will soon have to explain himself to justice. On February 10, the life of the comedian changed in the same way as that of three other people. All were victims of a terrible road accident caused by the star in Seine-et-Marne.

Among them, a pregnant woman who lost her baby, the driver and her six-year-old son. As a reminder, the ex-husband of Véronique Sanson drove under the influence of narcotics. For the moment, Pierre Palmade is indicted for “involuntary injuries and homicides”.He […] realize the horror of what happened. He’s ashamed […].”indicated the sister of the latter to AFP. The latest news, the actor is also subject to the wearing of the electronic bracelet at the Villejuif hospital. A decision that still shocks the families of the victims…


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