Infographic How the Arcom sanctions against C8 and Cyril Hanouna evaporated from the “Télé-Loisirs”, “Voici” or “Gala” sites after their purchase by Vincent Bolloré

The analysis of publications from several sites of the Prisma group, acquired by Bolloré in 2021, as well as several internal testimonies collected by “Complément d’investigation”, show the extent to which the subject has become sensitive within these media.

On February 9, 2023, the sanction falls. Arcom (formerly CSA) condemns the C8 channel to a fine of 3.5 million euros, after the altercation which broke out between the rebellious deputy Louis Boyard and Cyril Hanouna, on November 10, on the set of ” Do not touch My TV”. The elected official and former columnist of the show had criticized Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+ group, of which C8 is a part. Which earned him, in return, to be described as “jerk”of “tocard” and of “shit”.

On the day of its publication, Arcom’s record sanction made the rounds of the entire press… or almost. Difficult to find mention of it in several media owned by Prisma, although they specialize in news from the small screen or people. Tele-Leisure, TV 2 weeks, Here is, Gala, Current wife… On that day and the following ones, the sites of these media preferred to talk about the intimate life of the columnists or the sporting exploits of Cyril Hanouna’s son. However, they had widely reported the sanction of 3 million euros imposed by the CSA on the same channel, six years earlier, after a homophobic hoax.

How can we explain this recent discretion? Would the takeover of Prisma Media by Vivendi, and therefore by Vincent Bolloré, which took place in May 2021, have changed the situation? On the occasion of the broadcast of a portrait of Cyril Hanouna, Thursday November 30 on France 2, the magazine “Complément d’investigation” looked into the treatment of the host in these media, particularly since they passed into the fold of the Breton businessman.

Eleven times fewer items than before the repurchase

To see clearly, “Complément d’investigation” examined the articles published on these sites, and more particularly the approximately 13,300 which concern Cyril Hanouna or his broadcast (see methodology at the end of the article), and checked whether it was mentions Arcom or its sanctions. The result of this analysis is presented in the infographic below. Each point represents an article: it is red if mention is made of Arcom in the title, and orange if there is a reference to the audiovisual policeman in the body of the text. The vertical dotted line represents the moment when Vivendi buys Prisma.

The number of articles discussing Arcom sanctions against C8 plummeted shortly after the acquisition of Prisma Media by Vivendi. Between January 1, 2016 and May 31, 2021, out of the six media analyzed, there were 759 articles mentioning Arcom and Cyril Hanouna (or his show), or 11.7 per month on average. Between June 1, 2021 and October 31, there were only 31. That is a little more than one per month, more than 11 times less than before.

At the house of Tele-Leisure, the break is clear. Since the takeover, the only article whose title relates to an Arcom deliberation concerns the kindnesses expressed by Cyril Hanouna against François Hollande (“tocard”, “never been able to clear him”…). Invectives for which C8 had not been sanctioned.

However, there is no shortage of reprimands. Of the 29 Arcom decisions that we have identified against Cyril Hanouna’s broadcasts, 14 have occurred since May 2021. Clandestine advertising, relaying of conspiracy theories, outrageous terms… In addition to the record fine of 3, 5 million euros, the audiovisual policeman has issued a series of formal notices and other financial sanctions against C8. Decisions that readers of several Prisma sites have not heard about.

Some exceptions however. Capitala magazine specializing in economic news, has devoted three articles since May 2021 to the sanctions taken against C8. Current wife also, twice, concerning the fines of 200,000 and 500,000 euros imposed by Arcom on the chain in 2023. In the printed editions of the magazines owned by Prisma, we only found one article reporting the sanctions of Arcom, published both in Tele-Leisure And TV 2 weeks.

Between “family” and “self-censorship”

At Prisma, several testimonials from current or former employees confirm that it is now frowned upon to publish negative content concerning Cyril Hanouna. The day after the takeover by Vivendi, Yannick Bolloré, son of Vincent, announced the color towards the new employees of the group, emphasizing their new belonging to “family” Vivendi.

Jean-Marie Bretagne remembers it well. After 30 years of service at Prisma, he left the group a year and a half after the takeover by Vivendi. “We were told we were part of a family”he confirms. “You certainly work for Prisma, but you must not harm other members of the family. In this case, Cyril Hanouna”points out the former staff representative within the group and author of the book The Boa: how Vincent Bolloré swallowed me.

Were there explicit instructions not to cover the Arcom sanctions against “Touche pas à mon poste”? According to information from the Les Jours website, the editorial staff of Here is received, from the “internal hierarchy”, the instruction not to touch Cyril Hanouna. Other former employees, contacted by “Complement d’investigation”, also speak of self-censorship. “We feel it, we often talk about it between editors”, confirms an employee still on the job. Another, working in the editorial staff of Galaabounds: “When new people arrive, they sometimes do not know about these things and suggest a topic on Hanouna. We tell them: ‘no, we’re not doing anything about Hanouna'”.

A paparazzi working regularly for Here is also tells “Complément d’investigation” that the photos of Hanouna proposed to the editorial staff are now systematically refused. In the fall of 2022, a Streetpress investigation reported that a letter criticizing the presenter had also had to be removed from readers’ mail.

More than 180 journalists have left the ship since the takeover

On the side of Prisma, the group refutes any instructions given by Vivendi concerning the treatment of Cyril Hanouna. “No subject is taboo as long as it falls within the editorial line of our magazines or sites”replies management. “If we have covered these subjects less in recent years, it is because they are of less interest to our audiences. The evolution of TPMP’s editorial line, moving from an entertainment program to a social and political news program , has made its treatment less relevant in our magazines and on our sites.” Prisma nevertheless specifies that “on the TV division, we make sure to maintain correct relationships with the presenters, Cyril Hanouna like the others”.

In the meantime, the editorial offices are emptying out. Between May 2021 and October 2022, 183 working journalists left the Prisma group thanks to the transfer clause, which allows editors to leave a press company after a change of ownership while receiving severance pay. Departures which concern 45% of the workforce. A few dozen were replaced. “But often, they are very young journalists, on fixed-term contracts, and who are more afraid to speak”points out an employee.

To carry out this work, we first indexed the thousands of articles concerning the host or his shows, by collecting all the articles from these sites in the referencing pages of “Touche pas à mon poste”, “TPMP”, “Cyril Hanouna”. We focused on the media with the largest audiences, and specialized in covering the world of television, or celebrity news. This is why titles like National Geographic Or I’m interestedfor example, were not prioritized in the analysis.

We thus collected 5,851 articles for Tele-Leisure3,105 for Here is2,155 for TV 2 weeks1,661 for Gala523 for Current wifeand 81 for Capital. We then automatically detected whether Arcom was mentioned in the title or the body of the text (via the presence of the terms “Arcom”, “CSA”, “Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel”, etc.).

The inventory of Arcom’s decisions against C8 was carried out manually, using the Official Journal or the audiovisual police website. Submitted to Arcom, this list has not been contested or amended by the institution.

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