Inflation increases further in March in France and reaches 4.5% over one year, according to INSEE

In addition to the rise in the price of petroleum products linked in particular to the war in Ukraine, INSEE has observed a marked increase in the price of manufactured products and food.

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Prices continue to soar in France. Inflation in France clearly crossed the 4% mark over one year in March, still driven by the rise in energy and food prices, according to an initial estimate published Thursday, March 31 by INSEE. Over one month, consumer prices should increase by 1.4%, after +0.8% in February.

After reaching 3.6% over one year in February, the increase in the consumer price index stood at 4.5% in March. In addition to the rise in the price of petroleum products linked in particular to the war in Ukraine, INSEE has observed a marked increase in the price of manufactured products and food.

In Germany, inflation jumped to 7.3% in March. To find such a high annual increase, we have to go back to November 1981, in West Germany. The figure announced Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics is a record since the reunification of the country in 1990. In Spain, inflation reached 9.8% in March, its highest level for 37 years. This figure is “up more than two points” compared to February, when inflation had already risen to 7.6%, assured the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in a press release.

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