Industry: the French State subsidizes a semiconductor company to the tune of 3 billion euros


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

C.Motte, H.Capelli, C.Dewaegeneire, O.Martin, P.Maire, B.Véran, B.Parayre, J.Chouquet – France 2

France Televisions

Renault will suspend production of its Zoé electric cars for three weeks due to a lack of semiconductors. These electronic components have become essential for the production of cars or telephones. The State is preparing to invest 2.9 billion euros in the new electronics factory in Crolles in Isère.

Nearly three billion euros in subsidies for a new semiconductor factory in Crolles (Isere). The State is betting very heavily on the manufacture of electronic chips, which have become essential in the lives of the French. This news excites the employees of the group.This will help in its sustainable development“, says one of them. Bercy puts on the table 2.9 billion euros to manufacture a mega factory with 1,000 jobs. Subcontractors will boost their activity.In the coming years, we will be looking for new talents“says Denis Blanchard, Director of European Service Strategy”Applied Materials”.

Biggest envelope for a plant since 2017

This grant is not a blank cheque. The factory undertakes to reserve at least 5% the production of electronic chips for French manufacturers. Bercy wants to avoid the same supply crisis as during the Covid. By 2030, the European Union wants to achieve 20% of the semiconductor market to exist alongside Asia, especially Taiwan. This envelope is the largest granted to a plant since 2017.

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