indignation does not weaken against the omnipresence of the executive in the campaign

The indignation of the oppositions does not weaken, Tuesday June 4, in the face of the commitment of the executive in the campaign for the European elections, the voting of which takes place on Sunday in France. The boss of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, was surprised that Emmanuel Macron was interviewed on TF1 and France 2 on Thursday – on the occasion of commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Landing three days before the election. “He could have done it at a time when all oppositions have the opportunity to respond to him”, he regretted on Sud Radio, as the campaign ends on Friday. Recognizing that June 6 is “a special day”, the candidate of the Ecologists, Marie Toussaint, would have preferred that “the President of the Republic spoke briefly that evening”she estimated on BFMTV. Follow our live stream.

Sixteen heads of list will debate on France 2, and simultaneously on France Inter, from 8:40 p.m. Less than five days before the European elections, several candidates will debate their vision for Europe on the show “L’Evénement”. Two debates, moderated by journalist Caroline Roux, are organized successively, with eight heads of list each time.

Valérie Hayer regrets having to endure “vain controversies upon vain controversies”. “Since the start of the campaign, I have suffered, quote unquote, vain and sterile controversies after vain controversiesregrets the head of the presidential camp’s list. The Prime Minister is involved in the campaign, we consider that he is too involved”. This outburst from Valérie Hayer comes after Gabriel Attal burst onto the stage of the Radio France auditorium on Monday, while she was interviewed by franceinfo.

Three days before the election, Emmanuel Macron will be interviewed Thursday on TF1 and France 2. The Europeans are likely to invite themselves to this special edition organized from Caen, in the wake of the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Yet another casus belli for the oppositions, who have multiplied the referrals to Arcom, so that the media policeman counts the speaking time of the Head of State from that of Valérie Hayer. The Head of State will also address young people on Tuesday at 6 p.m. in an interview with the media Le Crayon.

Farmers lift their blockade at the Franco-Spanish border. As planned, on Tuesday morning they put an end to the occupation of cross-border crossing points in the Pyrenees, which had begun the day before. They are demanding in particular cheaper energy, and hope to influence the European campaign.

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