independence activist Yvan Colonna buried in Cargèse


France 2

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The independence activist Yvan Colonna will be buried on Friday March 25 in Cargèse, Corsica. Journalist Lise Vogel takes stock of the atmosphere observed in the city for the 8 Hours of France 2.

The independence activist Yvan Colonna is to be buried on Friday March 25 in his village, in Corsica. The ceremony will take place in Cargèse (Corse-du-Sud), at 3 p.m. “For the moment, here, we feel a lot of grief and a collective mourning carried by all the inhabitants of Cargèse. There is also a lot of anger, and this anger is displayed on the walls. There are lots of graffiti on the walls of the village, on which we can read in Corsican language: ‘Glory to you, Yvan’, or even ‘French State assassin’“, reports journalist Lise Vogel, live from Cargèse for the 8 Hours of France 2.

One of the inhabitants of Cargèse, who says he knows the Colonna family well, says that what happened is “a drama” and “an injustice“, quotes the journalist. “It’s a feeling shared by many inhabitants here, because you really have to understand that in this village, Yvan Colonna is the child of the country, and he is also, for some, a hero of the Corsican armed struggle, because Cargèse remains a bastion of Corsican independence“, explains Lise Vogel.

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