incredible rebound… Zemmour falls, Pécresse comes back in form!

Another three weeks to wait to have an idea of ​​the candidate who will govern the country for the next five years. In fact, in three weeks, the first round of the 2022 presidential election will be held. This is the last straight line for the twelve candidates in the running and they are throwing all their forces into the battle. However, it seems that some manage to do better than others.

While the majority of French people thought that Valérie Pécresse had no chance of reaching the first round, now the latest polls prove quite the opposite. Indeed, according to an OpinionWay-Kéa Partners survey, of our colleagues from echoesthe candidate of Republicans who regretted the fact that Emmanuel Macron would have “the same program” as her, would have won valuable points in the voting intentions of the French.

The fall !

So much so that she would have regained third place, tied with the candidate of the France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, to 13% of the voting intentions. At the top, Emmanuel Macron still holds first place with 29%. While Marine Le Pen still holds her solid second place with 18% but sees two candidates coming back on her heels.

On the other hand, Éric Zemmour continues to tumble three weeks before the first round. The candidate Reconquest! who saw many supporters being verbally and sometimes physically attacked this weekend, has just dropped below 10% and sees his chances of passing the first round diminish over the days. However, remember that the only result that counts will be the official announcement after the French have gone to the polls on April 10th. And everyone knows that in the space of twenty days, a lot can happen. A candidate can achieve unanimity through a simple meeting and regain a lot of points in the polls.

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