In “Zone Interdite”, this young woman wants to look like Rihanna and spends a fortune!

To date, succumbing to the call of the scalpel is no longer taboo. Every year, thousands of people in search of the perfect body take the plunge! Cosmetic surgery practices are formal: most of their patients are under 35 years old. On the Web, stars and anonymous compete for their incredible plastic. It is possible to retouch your lips for 350 euros. By spending a lot more money, anyone can afford a plump buttocks.

Via the new number of Restricted zone which will be unveiled on January 15, M6 will lift the veil on this incredible business. This time as indicated Tele-Leisure, Ophélie Meunier and her colleagues followed a woman named Shérine, just 22 years old. For 7500 euros, she was able to change the color of her eyes. It was his dearest wish. Obviously, the latter wanted to look like her idol Rihanna! Internationally, the Barbadian unleashes passions. And she even inspires her admirers far beyond music…

“I am shocked…”

This delicate procedure was performed for the first time in France 10 years ago. Shérine’s operation took place in a specialized clinic under the eye of the cameras. On D-Day, as our colleagues have indicated, the main interested party was accompanied by one of her friends. In the waiting room, the pressure was at its height. Under local anesthesia, the patient underwent keratopigmentation which is actually a cornea tattoo.

The membrane was cut with a laser then a pigment which corresponds to the request of the young person was also injected. After a few minutes, Shérine was able to observe the result: “ I’m shocked but I like it, I’m so happy. Mission accomplished! But to this day, countless doctors remain skeptical of this technique. “A dozen ophthalmologists in the world dare to perform this operation”, explains Ophélie Meunier in voiceover. You have been warned…


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