in Toulouse, vegetable gardens for rent for individuals


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

V.Heurtel, F.Motila, E.Fromentin – France 2

France Televisions

Report in Toulouse, where a company offers to rent a vegetable garden for the year from a market gardener. How it works ?

To grow vegetables without spending too much time there, Toulouse families have found the solution. At the Brouhouets, Wednesday is synonymous with gardening. Harvesting and weeding takes no more than an hour per week. The rest is the business of Cyril Meyer, market gardener. He digs, waters and renews crops for everyone. “There, I will sow on 34 plots. We can say 70 people”he explains.

39 euros per month

These 34 plots, all organic, are rented 39 euros per month to individuals. “We realized that there are many people who are interested in gardening, but who cannot because they have no time, or no knowledge”, explains Florian Champoux, the president of “Carrés maraîchers Terreauciel”. Thomas Poiraud, tenant of a vegetable garden, harvested 50 kg of tomatoes last year, and as many courgettes.

The gardening craze is also spreading to the corporate world. An SME based in Cuers, in the Var, was thus one of the first in France to recruit a market gardener all year round. The harvest is sold once a week, 50% cheaper than the market price. Some cities, like Nantes, also grow vegetables for their inhabitants who have a small budget.

source site-14
