“In these cases, the cameramen have the authorization to intervene!”

Denis Brogniart and the adventurers of “Koh Lanta” offered a new episode to the viewers of TF1 this Tuesday, February 28. While the two teams faced off again in different events, it was another event that caught the attention of fans. Namely: the poisoning suffered by Quentin. He, like other adventurers, have indeed eaten an inedible food: the fruit of the pandanus tree.

However aware of the risks incurred in the event of ingestion of this fruit, the production did not intervene. Asked by Puremedia on the reason for this non-intervention, Julien Magne, program director at Adventure Line Production (ALP), made a point of clarifying certain points. The latter indeed explains that once the adventure begins, “we appeal to the common sense of the candidates”. This one giving some arguments to support his words: “In France, when you walk in the forest, you are not going to bite into a mushroom at random. On ‘Koh-Lanta’ it’s the same. They are adventurers, Robinson Crusoes, we don’t give them a catalog of everything that is eaten or not eaten on the island”.

See also: “He freaked out”: Denis Brogniart at the heart of a scandal… a former candidate for “Koh-Lanta” atomizes the host on C8

The production of Koh-Lanta would have intervened if…

But isn’t that too risky? In the event that an adventurer of “Koh Lanta” eats a food that could lead to his death, does the production remain unmoved? Of course not. And Julien Magne wanted to assure him: “The adventurers are supervised by a film crew all day long”. “If ever an adventurer put a toxic and dangerous food in his mouth, obviously the film crew would intervene”he says before continuing: “In these cases, the cameramen have the authorization to intervene. It is unthinkable to let an adventurer put his integrity in danger”.

And the production is indeed aware of all the risks present on the island like Denis Brogniart. Indeed, several weeks before the start of filming of “Koh Lanta”a local expert is sent on site “to spot the fauna and flora on the island”. Then, the team in charge of the camps makes a tour of the island. This having the aim of “make a very complete listing of what is edible, what is edible but not dangerous and what could be dangerous if ingested by adventurers”. In fact, if Quentin was not prevented from eating the fruit of the pandanus tree, it is because the production knew that he was in no danger, except for some more or less violent stomach aches.


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