In the kitchens of Maison Souply in Châlons-en-Champagne

A Chalonnaise institution

Fabien Souply, Master restaurateur of France, is the chef of Maison Souply. It has been an institution in Châlons-en-Champagne since 1930. The chef prepares his dishes according to a very French tradition. Everything is prepared using fresh produce from the market and exclusively cooked on site.

Rabby the second and Fabien Souply, the chef © Radio France
Sebastien Gitton
Céline Pinto, waitress and Mathilde Didier, room manager
Céline Pinto, waitress and Mathilde Didier, room manager © Radio France
Sebastien Gitton
Provençal guinea fowl
Provençal guinea fowl © Radio France
Sebastien Gitton
Floating island with anise
Floating island with anise © Radio France
Sebastien Gitton

The restaurant offers a special evening on the occasion of the music festival, June 21, with the group Hot Swing Orchestra by Michel Cabut.

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