in the face of inflation, the use of price increases or local procurement


France 2

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With inflation, some canteens are forced to revise their plans. In particular, the price of meals may increase.

The canteen in the village of Rustiques (Aude), with 500 inhabitants, serves between 20 and 25 meals a day. But inflation went through there, forcing the municipality to increase the price of the meal from €3.42 to €3.70. “Our supplier told us that it was mainly the cost of raw materials, ingredients used to make the meals, and transport”, confides Henri Ruffel, mayor of Rustiques. According to the latter, it is impossible to compensate for this increase.

To offer quality and at a lower cost, the chef of a high school in Blois (Loir-et-Cher) has established his strategy. “One of the levers we use to lower costs is to source from local producers, to try to avoid distributors”, says David Juranville. Local authorities seek by all means to guarantee the canteen service to the most modest.

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