In South Ardèche, a new factory sorts bags from the gray bin

Optimale is the name of the factory operated by Suez and which cost eight million euros. It is installed in Lavilledieu and since March 2021, it has made it possible to recover part of what until then was called final waste, which individuals can no longer sort and which is stored in the gray bin.

40% recovery of gray bin bags

The plant treats 40,000 tons of final household waste every year. Before, they were brought to the Beaulieu landfill in southern Ardèche to be deposited there in an open landfill. Today of the 40,000 tonnes, 12,000 tonnes become solid recovered fuel.

A fuel that can be burned in special boilers, equipped with special filters to avoid any pollution to supply heating networks or produce electricity. For the moment the production of Lavilledieu is brought to Grenoble.

The burial of household waste will become a money pit for communities

The State encourages communities to no longer bury their waste: a practice that is too polluting for the soil. And for that, he knocks on the wallet of communities. The general tax on polluting activities will increase sharply. The tax on the burial of household waste will increase from €35 currently to €65 in 2025. Something to make communities think. The less waste you bury, the less tax you pay.

A course for schoolchildren

The factory already hosts primary school classes to raise young people’s awareness of sorting issues. It could also accommodate college students.

source site-38