In Seine-Maritime, nesting boxes installed to attract raptors and fight against rodents


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The Syndicate of the Yères and Côte en Seine-Maritime watershed has installed nesting boxes for birds of prey on farms in the region. This approach not only promotes the reproduction of species but also gets rid of rodents that are harmful to agriculture without using chemicals. #TheyHaveTheSolution

For some time now, strange boxes for birds have been observed on the walls of farms in Seine-Maritime. It was the volunteers of the Norman ornithological group who installed these birdhouses for a very specific purpose.

Many trees were cut down. With these nesting boxes, little owls are given a little boost to help them reproduce

Francois Xavier Plaisant

Volunteer at the Norman Ornithological Group

Owls and falcons therefore find refuge in these nesting boxes. Funded in part by the department, each box costs farmers around ten euros. Thanks to them, several dozen births take place each year. Their arrival in rural areas coincides with more responsible agriculture.

The consequence of working the land less is that rodents develop. The only natural struggle is the presence of diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey.

Xavier Menpiot


Farmers are not the only ones to see this as a benefit.This natural solution is the initiative of the Syndicate of the Yères and Coast watershed, which collects the water. Thanks to the increased number of birds of prey, the use of highly polluting phytosanitary products which alter water quality is over.

Just over 50 nesting boxes are already in place, ready to welcome their new tenants in the spring.

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