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Hope and caution but also a lot of work still for frontline caregivers. This is the case for SOS Médecins, particularly in a region where incidence rates remain very high. Example in Chambéry, in Savoie.
He has just taken his evening shift in Savoie and it is a heavy on-call duty that is beginning. For his first visit, Jean-Christophe Masseron goes to a very worried family: the mother tested positive several days ago and the symptoms are getting worse. His family was infected, the result comes after an antigen test. “Almost 60% of the tests we do come back positive. We have incidence rates that we have never seen”, reports Dr. Jean-Christophe Masseron.
More than 4,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Savoie is one of the departments where the Covid-19 virus circulates the most in France. The second visit of the evening will be to see a three-year-old boy who has a fever of 40 and very congested bronchi. The doctor is reassuring, the difficult breathing is due to laryngitis. “It turns out that it is surely positive, but it is not the classic case of figure”, says the doctor. Meanwhile, in the cabinet, his colleagues follow up consultations and there too the virus takes up a lot of space. Doctors are overwhelmed by Covid-19, but they also have to manage all the other pathologies.