More than a week after the death of Thomas in Crépol, in the Drôme, the ultra-right organized several demonstrations of force, Saturday and Sunday in Romans-sur-Isère, notably triggering clashes with young people from the Monnaie district.
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The death of Thomas, killed by a stab wound in Crépol, on the night of Saturday November 18 to Sunday November 19, still causes, more than a week later, worrying tremors in the Drôme. The town of Romans-sur-Isère experienced a weekend of November 25 and 26 under tension with the arrival of dozens of ultra-right activists who triggered a wave of violence, including against the police.
The French ultra-right first arranged to meet its activists on Saturday, November 25 in the Monnaie district, in Romans-sur-Isère, where some of Thomas’ attackers allegedly came from. A national appeal, which is quite unprecedented, was launched on Thursday, November 23 on social networks and on the Telegram loops of the ultra-right movement.
Under the slogan “Justice for Thomas, neither forgotten nor pardoned”, this call to march on the Monnaie district would have been initiated, the investigation has yet to confirm, by the members of a small group called the “Martel Division”, a core of very young Parisian neo-Nazis close to the GUD, another far-right organization. Activists from other groups known to the police responded, according to the first elements of the investigation carried out by the Valencia public prosecutor’s office.
Iron bars and baseball bats
Nearly 80 of these people from all over the country met around 6 p.m., Saturday November 25, at the entrance to the Monnaie district of Romans-sur-Isère, not to pay their respects in peace. to Thomas, but for a punitive expedition. A form of “ratonnade” against young people of Arab origin in the neighborhood where, according to our information, three of the nine indicted in Thomas’ death live.
Armed with baseball bats, iron bars, brass knuckles, these ultra-right activists first found on their route the CRS 83, an anti-riot company which had been positioned in the afternoon to contain violence. Five police officers were also injured by mortar and stone fire. Secondly, it was young people from the neighborhood who took on the ultra-right activists. One of them, who came from Mayenne, was almost lynched. He is still hospitalized, but out of danger.
The ultra-right demonstrated again on Sunday in Romans-sur-Isère. There were a few arrests, but the violence was contained by the police. In total, during this chaotic weekend in this town in Drôme, there were 24 arrests mainly in the ranks of the ultra-right. Most of them, who are between 20 and 25 years old, will be tried in immediate appearance in Valencia in the coming days.
“Without violence, there is no change, advanced on Sunday, November 26, an activist met by France Bleu Drôme Ardèche in Romans-sur-Isère. It’s sad, it’s something we share with the left, with everyone. Everyone agrees that the only way to change things will be violence. Be ready for war, there is no other way.”
Behind the threat of future violence, the risk of contagion exists. Saturday, November 25 in Paris, 13 people, including seven ultra-right S members, were arrested in flagrante delicto for swastika tags. According to a police source, this act is not anti-Semitic, but a tribute to the ultras of Romans-sur-Isère.