In Quimper, 300 people demonstrate to defend union activists summoned to police custody after invading the ARS

Last September, these defenders of the emergency departments of the Carhaix hospital invaded the ARS and detained its general director for several hours.


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Support tag at Carhaix hospital.  (AURELIE LEGAIN / RADIOFRANCE)

More than 300 people demonstrated on Wednesday, May 22 in Quimper, in support of the dozen union activists summoned to police custody after invading the Regional Health Agency in mid-September, reports France Bleu Breizh Izel. On September 14, these defenders of the emergency departments of the Carhaix hospital invaded the ARS and detained the general director of the ARS for several hours during a meeting on the future of the establishment.

After this invasion, they received summons to the police station, under police custody. These have been one after the other since mid-May and at each police custody, residents of Carhaix, trade unionists and hospital users gather to support the activists. On Wednesday, three were summoned, including the “leaders”, such as Thomas Bourrhis, the general secretary of the CGT at Brest University Hospital.

“What for me was the most shocking is that we take our fingerprints, our DNA, we are photographed, so we are recorded. That’s what is most shocking for caregivers,” Caroline Tromeur, occupational therapist and general secretary of the CGT of Carhaix, told France Bleu. Arriving at the police station at 9 a.m., she left at 10:20 a.m. She felt “a little degraded, dirty, as if we were criminals.” The CGT and CFDT demand an end to legal proceedings.

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