In Poitou the Games are worth the candle!

It’s good to have the flame but it has a cost! Several departments of France refuse to pass the Olympic torch of Paris 2024, because they denounce an exorbitant price: 150,000 euros without counting all the animations which will be the responsibility of the community. Haute-Vienne, Indre et Loire and Lot et Garonne have already said no. In Poitou we are for and we assume, with departments which have signed up to the “Terres de Jeux” policy which hope to receive national teams to prepare for the event on their territory but also by then to create a real dynamic.

39 euro cents per inhabitant

Coralie Dénoues, the president of Deux-Sèvrestherefore fully assumes, and she even took out the calculator “150,000 euros, which we can pay in 3 years, is 39 euro cents per inhabitant, to experience this great celebration. This will have no repercussions on the sports policy of the department. The passing of the flame will last all day with 5 territories to be defined to end with a magnificent party in the department.”

Alain Pichon, President of Vienne is enthusiastic: “The Olympic Games are a planetary event, we can’t miss it, the passage of the flame is absolutely essential, for the athletes, for our youth, for our inhabitants, as far as the cost is concerned, we may be also find, people who can help us, municipalities which will inevitably be interested so that we go to their place, and then we will highlight the Arena Futuroscope, site of preparation for the 2024 Olympic Games”.

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