IN PICTURES – Nancy’s Sylvain Behr at the world skating championships in Argentina

These are world championships that will have been long overdue, postponed for a year because of the Covid. But from November 9 to 11, Nancy’s Sylvain Behr can finally rub shoulders with the best champions in his discipline: rollerblading. Already crowned with a gold medal in 2019 in the downhill, he is looking to do it again this year, and even to double the lead by aiming for gold also in the time trial. “It’s a bit like our own Olympics, so there’s going to be competition“, he explains.


From the Lay-Saint-Christophe gymnasium, Sylvain Behr keeps in touch with the skates. Nothing to do with spikes 100km/h and the slopes over 10% he faces in competition, but he at least keeps the pace. However, the main part of the preparation lies elsewhere: “various and varied training, mental, but also physical. I do a lot of bodybuilding with friends“, he details.

A talent forged in Nancy

If Sylvain Behr started skating, like many people, when he was little, the love of risk and the descent arrived a little later, as he approached adolescence. “It was on vacation in Brittany, in front of a sloping street. We challenged each other to get to the bottom and I did. I was all shaking with fear but I loved it and did it again“, he explains. Back in Lorraine, Sylvain Behr sometimes had fun on the slopes of the rue de la Croix-Gagnée, or even during certain events, but always in a well-managed environment.

From now on, place at the very high level, the South American and Italian competitions are felt for this new edition. But Sylvain Behr has very good arguments to put forward. “I feel it“, he smiles. So it starts with qualifying before continuing with 4 vs 4 raceslike what we can see in ski-cross, to head for the final this Friday 11. At the same time, he will participate in the time trial, where he failed to take the lead. gold for just 0.02 seconds in 2019.

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