IN PICTURES – In Bayonne, nearly 200 people join hands against racism

They want “build bridges, not walls.Nearly 200 demonstrators joined hands this Saturday near the square of Les Halles de Bayonne, in order to unite in an anti-racist human chain. For nearly half an hour, carrying yellow flags displaying “my country is called solidarity“, they remained along the quays to send a message of peace and mutual aid. An initiative organized by the collective “solidarity-migrants Etorkinekin”, in order to express its support for people and to denounce the government’s inactivity in terms of support.

Just last week, a migrant disappeared while trying to cross the Bidasoa. In the context of the war which is currently raging in Ukraine, and which is leading to numerous displacements of populations (more than three million Ukrainians have left their country according to the High Commissioner for Refugees), the objective of the rally was toalert to the need to reach out to those people that life has thrown on the roads.

The gathering in pictures

The human chain was organized by the Etorkinekin collective. © Radio France
Remy Doutre
Protesters gathered near the Carreau des Halles.
Protesters gathered near the Carreau des Halles. © Radio France
Remy Doutre
The demonstrators could recover a flag or poster.
The demonstrators could recover a flag or poster. © Radio France
Remy Doutre

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