IN PHOTOS – Roanne installs a falcon nest to hunt pigeons from the Minimes steeple

When you climb the stairs that lead to the bell tower of the Notre-Dame des Victoires church, the ground is quickly strewn with droppings. A dead pigeon lies on a step. The town hall has received many complaints from the parish, so this Wednesday, December 29, she has a peregrine falcon nesting box installed with the Bird Protection League to regulate populations.

A bet of 3,600 euros

The idea is simple: by its presence, the peregrine falcon, a natural predator of pigeons, starlings or crows, will hunt in a large area around the church. By its presence, it will therefore dissuade these birds from settling in the area. The town hall therefore invests 3,600 euros in this nest box.

Currently, the bell tower houses many pigeons which soil the ground of the monument. © Radio France
Louise thomann

It’s a bit of a gamble, explains Romain Bost, the municipal assistant in charge of animals in the city, because the town hall only buys the nesting box, not the pair of birds of prey. “They can just as easily settle in a few months as in a few years”. Jean-Pascal, the LPO volunteer, reassures: the nesting boxes installed by the league quickly find takers. There are currently 9 pairs of peregrine falcons in the Loire.

From its future nest, the peregrine falcon will have a breathtaking view of the Roanne conurbation.
From its future nest, the peregrine falcon will have a breathtaking view of the Roanne conurbation. © Radio France
Louise thomann

Once the couple has taken up residence in the bell tower of the Minimes, the town hall plans, why not, to install a camera, so that the inhabitants of Roanne can observe the small hawks.

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